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Over the next ten days delegates prepared a constitution for the Republic of Texas Parts of the document were copied verbatim from the United States Constitution; other articles were paraphrased the new nation's government was structured similarly to that of the United States with a bicameral legislature a chief executive and a supreme court. In a sharp departure from its model the new constitution expressly permitted impressment of goods and forced housing for soldiers it also explicitly legalized slavery and recognized the people's right to revolt against government authority. After adopting the constitution on March 17 delegates elected interim officers to govern the country and then adjourned David G Burnet who had not been a delegate was elected president the following day Burnet announced the government was leaving for Harrisburg, The Astrodome was well-renowned for a four-story scoreboard called the "Astrolite" composed of thousands of light bulbs that featured numerous animations After every Astros home run the scoreboard featured a minute-long animated celebration of pistols bulls and fireworks the scoreboard remained intact until 1988 when Houston Oilers (now Tennessee Titans) owner Bud Adams suggested the removal of the scoreboard to accommodate increased capacity demands for football baseball and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Harris County spent $67 million of public funds on renovations. Approximately 15,000 new seats resembling the 1970s rainbow uniform pattern were installed to bring seating capacity to almost 60,000 for football on September 5 1988 a final celebration commemorating the scoreboard occurred prior to expansion renovations. . Houston has the largest number of bike commuters in Texas with over 160 miles of dedicated bikeways the city is currently in the process of expanding its on and off street bikeway network.[when?] in 2015 Downtown Houston added a cycle track on Lamar Street running from Sam Houston Park to Discovery Green in August 2017 Houston City Council approved spending for construction of 13 additional miles of bike trails. . 6 Manufacturing and industry Houston Texas Business Directory In 2011 according to the nonprofit Children at Risk one-third of students at public high schools in Harris County do not graduate, As of 2013 37% of non-Hispanic Whites in Harris County had college or postgraduate degrees and 36% of them had annual incomes over $75,000 As of 2013 19% of Blacks in Harris County had college or postgraduate degrees as did 13% of U.S.-born Latinos and 7% of Latino immigrants. . The League of Nations assembly held in Geneva Switzerland 1930 The made-for-TV movie Murder at the World Series was filmed here about a fictional 1977 World Series between the Astros vs Oakland Athletics.
Contents Further information: Runaway Scrape, In November 1939 the United States was taking measures to assist China and the Western Allies and amended the Neutrality Act to allow "cash and carry" purchases by the Allies in 1940 following the German capture of Paris the size of the United States Navy was significantly increased in September the United States further agreed to a trade of American destroyers for British bases. Still a large majority of the American public continued to oppose any direct military intervention in the conflict well into 1941 in December 1940 Roosevelt accused Hitler of planning world conquest and ruled out any negotiations as useless calling for the United States to become an "arsenal of democracy" and promoting Lend-Lease programmes of aid to support the British war effort the United States started strategic planning to prepare for a full-scale offensive against Germany, New land use policies drafted during the administration of Governor John Ireland enabled individuals to accumulate land leading to the formation of large cattle ranches Many ranchers ran barbed wire around public lands to protect their access to water and free grazing This caused several range wars. Governor Lawrence Sullivan Ross guided the Texas Legislature to reform the land use policies. 11.3 Cycling Pearland (mostly in Brazoria County and a small part in Fort Bend County), Houston Texas Business Directory The Early 1900s. The first Texas Legislature declined to ratify the treaty Houston had signed with the Cherokee declaring he had no authority to make any promises. Although the Texian interim governments had vowed to eventually compensate citizens for goods that were impressed during the war efforts for the most part livestock and horses were not returned. Veterans were guaranteed land bounties; in 1879 surviving Texian veterans who served more than three months from October 1 1835 through January 1 1837 were guaranteed an additional 1,280 acres (520 ha) in public lands. Over 1.3 million acres (559 thousand ha) of land were granted; some of this was in Greer County which was later determined to be part of Oklahoma, Human infections gained worldwide transmission vectors for the first time: from Africa and Eurasia to the Americas and vice versa the spread of old-world diseases including smallpox flu and typhus led to the deaths of many indigenous inhabitants of the New World. . Earlier 20th century, Since 1980 most Texas voters have supported Republican presidential candidates in 2000 and 2004 Republican George W Bush won Texas with respectively 59.3 and 60.1 percent of the vote partly due to his "favorite son" status as a former governor of the state John McCain won the state in 2008 but with a smaller margin of victory compared to Bush at 55 percent of the vote Austin Dallas Houston and San Antonio consistently lean Democratic in both local and statewide elections, Other Christian 1 A reproduction of the original Come and take it flag which flew during the battle of Gonzales. ! !
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