12.2 JFK assassination Historical population, 11.2 Airports Harris County ESD #24 Fire Aldine Fire & Rescue .10, On their return to Goliad Westover's group encountered Governor Viesca After being freed by sympathetic soldiers Viesca had immediately traveled to Texas to recreate the state government Dimmitt welcomed Viesca but refused to recognize his authority as governor This caused an uproar in the garrison as many supported the governor Dimmitt declared martial law and soon alienated most of the local residents. Over the next few months the area between Goliad and Refugio descended into civil war Goliad native Carlos de la Garza led a guerrilla warfare campaign against the Texian troops. According to historian Paul Lack the Texian "antiguerilla tactics did too little to crush out opposition but quite enough to sway the uncommitted toward the centralists.". ; ! ! 4.5 State government Internal politics of the Republic were based on the conflict between two factions the nationalist faction led by Mirabeau B Lamar advocated the continued independence of Texas the expulsion of the Native Americans and the expansion of Texas to the Pacific Ocean Their opponents led by Sam Houston advocated the annexation of Texas to the United States and peaceful co-existence with Native Americans.
. 11.1 Strategy Texas Convention of 1836 District 7 Lizzie Pannill Fletcher Democratic 2018 West Houston Memorial Villages Bellaire West University Place west and northwest areas of county.