! The city has hosted several major professional and college sporting events including the annual Houston Open golf tournament Houston hosts the annual Houston College Classic baseball tournament every February and the Texas Kickoff and Bowl in September and December respectively, These Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks underlie most of the state and are exposed in three places: Llano uplift Van Horn and the Franklin Mountains near El Paso Sedimentary rocks overlay most of these ancient rocks the oldest sediments were deposited on the flanks of a rifted continental margin or passive margin that developed during Cambrian time. Constable Precinct 7 May Walker Democratic 11 Military advantages. Economy Rank Name County Pop. On 22 June 1941 Germany supported by Italy and Romania invaded the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa with Germany accusing the Soviets of plotting against them They were joined shortly by Finland and Hungary the primary targets of this surprise offensive were the Baltic region Moscow and Ukraine with the ultimate goal of ending the 1941 campaign near the Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line from the Caspian to the White Seas Hitler's objectives were to eliminate the Soviet Union as a military power exterminate Communism generate Lebensraum ("living space") by dispossessing the native population and guarantee access to the strategic resources needed to defeat Germany's remaining rivals.
. The 2003 Texas redistricting of Congressional districts led by Republican Tom DeLay was called by the New York Times "an extreme case of partisan gerrymandering" a group of Democratic legislators the "Texas Eleven" fled the state in a quorum-busting effort to prevent the legislature from acting but was unsuccessful the state had already redistricted following the 2000 census Despite these efforts the legislature passed a map heavily in favor of Republicans based on 2000 data and ignoring the estimated nearly one million new residents in the state since that date Career attorneys and analysts at the Department of Justice objected to the plan as diluting the votes of African American and Hispanic voters but political appointees overrode them and approved it. Legal challenges to the redistricting reached the national Supreme Court in the case League of United Latin American Citizens v Perry (2006) but the court ruled in favor of the state (and Republicans), Harris County ESD #24 Fire Aldine Fire & Rescue .10 George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) located 23 miles (37 km) north of Downtown Houston between Interstates 45 and 69 is the eighth busiest commercial airport in the United States (by total passengers and aircraft movements) and forty-third busiest globally the five-terminal five-runway 11,000-acre (4,500-hectare) airport served 40 million passengers in 2016 including 10 million international travelers in 2006 the United States Department of Transportation named IAH the fastest-growing of the top ten airports in the United States the Houston Air Route Traffic Control Center is located at Bush Intercontinental. . Animals were another important factor for Spanish triumph on the one hand the introduction of the horse and other domesticated pack animals allowed them greater mobility unknown to the Indian cultures However in the mountains and jungles the Spaniards were less able to use narrow Amerindian roads and bridges made for pedestrian traffic which were sometimes no wider than a few feet in places such as Argentina New Mexico and California the indigenous people learned horsemanship cattle raising and sheep herding the use of the new techniques by indigenous groups later became a disputed factor in native resistance to the colonial and American governments, Further information: Runaway Scrape, Louetta Away from the coast the terrain begins to exhibit the rolling hills of East and Central Texas Toward Central Texas the mixed pine and hardwood forests give way to the East Central Texas forests of post oak and grasslands; ! . .